Monday 11 January 2016

Absurd - istan in the making

Mr Turned - toxic ,PM of Australia is a true innovator .
He says its the most exciting time to be Australian , in the history of this nation .
Forget Paul Keating's prediction of us becoming a " banana republic "....
Mr Turned- toxic  is in the process of creating a new nation , under our noses ,
And its called Absurd - istan .
This means  street wars galore and a completely " spaced out " society just like the other countries ending in ' istan'.
So the ' walking dead' government just keep the nz crims rolling into our wreck of a country ( Absurd-istan )
And  , Mr Stone - face , PM of new nazi land(nz ) government is snickering every time a loose canon kiwi crim flies into Australia.
Its a shocking state of affairs .
The piss weak government of mr turn-it-over,
is working feverishly to create
( and with every nz kiwi who flies in , the place becomes more absurd ).