Sunday 11 December 2016

Lunatic asylums making a comeback USA

The Mental health show now has a new comedy performer ~
The Outpatient.
Stay tuned for more " mental health updates" ....Meanwhile the war against the "enemies of sanity " continues with Mr Trump staying vigilant during the turbulence
Lets face it , a wall across the Mexican border is one thing , but we need to subdue and medicate the millions of lunatics running around the USA , then build big walls around their lunatic asylums .

Mr Trump's clamp- down on illegal immigrants is full of merit.
But , the enemy amongst us is just as severe.
That is , the people of USA who mascarade as sane and responsible ( when they are really insane and mentally unstable ).
The media are a prime example of this epidemic.
That's why lunatic asylums are going to make a big comeback.
Lunatics will be locked away, instead of walking the streets , like they do now.