Thursday 25 September 2014

Striving to improve Personal hygiene

Mental Health,the comedian is always striving to improve his personal hygiene.
Due to incidents in shops that he has visited ,
where the assistant starts to sniff a persistent odour ,
Mental has taken this on board .
Achieving 100% cleanliness is a pipe dream ,
however to get to 40-50 % is on the radar as achievable .
A person's odour is nothing compared to the sinister
" new world odour " which operates a conspiracy across the globe ,
to ram political correctness and ignorance down everyone's throat .So far it is working like a fart filling the space of an elevator.
Mental Health ,the comic investigator ,
has a direct phone line to the new world odour kingpins,
and will be posting some audio of these calls onto this weblog soon .
The Russians have developed a NEW insect spray that your can give to your enemies ...
Its called " Rogue Rage " and it doesn't kill flies and mozzies .Instead it just makes them very angry and they fly into an uncontrollable rage .